Wider Health
Find your problem
Find one-to-one support and advice for your problem, from Sheffield-based community organisations.
Get fitter with the support of physical activity experts
- How? Develop a personal plan with a physical activity expert, accessible in various locations across the City. Access to activities such as swimming, fitness classes and the gym, as well as 1-1 support to make the most of your time in the venue.
- Who can help? Sheffield Physical Activity Referral (SPAR)
- Is there a cost? Yes, however it is a discounted scheme. The price varies but it’s usually between £2-5 per session..
Get started:
Self-refer online or ask your GP or health care professional for a referral.
Join Free Health Walks across Sheffield
- Step Out Sheffield offer free, weekly walks all across Sheffield, welcoming all abilities. Walks are delivered by trained and accredited volunteer leaders.
Get started:
- call 07505 639524
- or simply turn up to one of the timetabled walks in your local area and introduce yourself!
Get one to one practical support to be more active
- Who can help? Your local Health Trainer
- How? Health Trainers offer free, practical support and guidance on a one to one basis, around changing or leading a healthy lifestyle, such as getting active.
Get started:
find your local health trainer by using this postcode searcher.
Interested in joining a local sport or leisure activity group?
- Who can help? There are lots of free or affordable activity groups in your local area, whether it’s a dance class, beginners yoga or walking football, there’s something for everyone.
Get started:
Use Sheffield Directory to find sport, leisure and activity groups in your local area.
Self-help option:
Sometimes just some tips and guidance on how to get more active is all we need. The NHS Better Health website has guidance, free apps such as active 10 and couch25k and online workout videos to get you started.
Get group support to lose weight
- Who can help? MoreLife
- Who is it for? Anyone with a BMI of >25 who would like to lose weight.
- How can they help? Morelife Sheffield is a weight management service which runs 12-week programmes for adults, families and young people. The programme is run by qualified, experienced practitioners, aimed at supporting people to develop sustainable habits, including dietary habits that contribute to becoming a healthier weight.
Get started:
- Call 0114 322 5444
- morelife.sheffield@nhs.net
Get one to one support to lose weight
- Who can help? Your local Health Trainer
- How? Health Trainers offer free, practical support and guidance on a one to one basis, around changing or leading a healthy lifestyle, including diet, nutrition and weight loss.
Get started:
Find your local health trainer by using this postcode searcher.
Self-help option:
Sometimes all we need is guidance to make simple changes to to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.
The NHS Better Health website has free online weight loss plans, a free digital weight loss programme and a wealth of online information about healthy eating and losing weight healthily to get you started.
- Who can help? Sheffield Health and Social Care run a course called the Short-Term Educational Programme (STEP) specially designed to help improve your sleep.
- How can they help? This free course runs over five weeks and explores the causes of insomnia and sleep difficulties, and teaches you strategies on how to better manage and improve your sleep.
Get started:
Speak to your GP as you will need to be referred by them.
Self-help option:
Sleepio is a six-week clinically proven online programme used to treat insomnia, available free on the NHS. It uses AI to generate personalised guidance based on cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help improve your sleep.
Get help with low mood, anxiety or stress
- Who can help? NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies
- How can they help? They offer treatment for anyone over 18
- 0114 226 4380
- Self-refer online
Get group support for anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and PTSD
- Who can help? No Panic Sheffield
- How can they help? Groups are based on specialist techniques and peer support to help you to find ways of managing anxiety. Those experiencing depression and low mood are also welcome to come. The groups are normally 5-12 people and meet either face-to-face or online.
Get started
- Complete an online form
Aged 13-25 and struggling with mental health troubles
- Who can help? Door 43
- Who is it for? Young people aged 13-25
How can they help? They offer support to tackle low mood, low confidence, stress and anxiety
- 0114 201 2800
- Self-refer online
Mental Health crisis
- Your local urgent mental health helpline is 0808 196 8281.
- There is also advice for what to do if you are in a crisis.
- If you just need to talk, any time of day or night, call The Samaritans helpline on 116 123.
Self-help option:
Sheffield Mental Health have created an online toolkit which you can personalise to support your wellbeing and mental health.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Sheffield Mental health Guide lists a range of local services to support your mental health and wellbeing.
Get support to quit smoking
- Who can help? Yorkshire Smokefree Sheffield provides NHS specialist support to help you quit smoking- their services are free, friendly and flexible.
- Who is it for? Anyone over 18 who wants to stop smoking.
Get started
- Call 0114 5536296 from landlines
- Call 07833048200 from mobiles
- Join the online programme
Get professional help for drug and alcohol addiction
- Who can help? Likewise
- Who is it for? Anyone over 18 who is worried about their drug or alcohol use or someone else’s.
Get in touch:
- 0114 308 7000
- info@likewisesheffield.org.uk
Under 18 and struggling with drug and alcohol addiction
- Who can help? The Corner
- Who is it for? Anyone aged between 10-18 who wants advice about drinking and drugs. Concerned parents can seek advice too.
Get in touch:
- 0114 2752051
- Online contact form
Support to stay in or find work
- Who can help? Working Win
- Who is it for? Anyone over 18 with a physical and/or mental health condition.
- How can they help? Employment specialists will provide free & individualised one-to-one support to help you find meaningful employment or to stay in your current role.
Get started:
Is work impacting your health?
- Who can help: Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service. We have been providing advice and support on workplace health issues for 44 years. We are experts in keeping people at work.
- Who is it for? Anyone over 18 who believe that their work is affecting their health. We give advice and support on a wide range of physical and mental health issues.
- How can they help? Occupational Health advisers provide free support to give you practical advice on how manage your workplace health issues. There is no time limit on how long you can receive advice and we can advocate on your behalf with your employer.
Get started:
- It’s easy to get help, go to www.sohas.co.uk/help/patients/ to send a message
- Call 0114 2755760
Support to stay in or find work, while living with a severe mental health condition
- Who can help? Good Work
- Who is it for? Anyone living with a severe mental health condition who may be struggling to find or stay in work..
- How can they help? One-to-one support to find paid employment suited to you. Advocating for you as well as helping with any debt, benefit & wellbeing support.
Get in contact:
Worried about debts?
- Who can help? Christians Against Poverty
- How? They are a National charity providing free, independent, non-judgemental and confidential personal debt advice from trained debt advisors. Speak with your local Sheffield branch.
Get started:
- Use this postcode finder to get help near you
Questions about universal credit + benefits?
- Who can help? Citizens Advice Bureau
- How? They provide free advice and advocacy on claiming Universal Credit, welfare benefits, tax credits and your statutory rights. Speak with your local Sheffield branch.
Get started:
- Free advice line: 0808 278 7820
Are you worried about your gambling or someone else’s?
- Who can help? Krysallis
- How? They offer free, non-judgmental & confidential treatment. Treatments include a range of evidence-based therapies provided by qualified specialists on a one-to-one basis.
Get started
- 01423 276327
- Refer online
Group support for gambling addiction.
- Who can help? Gamblers anonymous
- How? A 12 step recovery programme. Find your local group meeting. No need to book and there is no cost.
Get started
- Find your local meeting
Is your home environment unsuitable for your health?
- Who can help? Sheffield City Council
- How can they help? They can provide equipment and adaptations to your home to meet your needs.
- Who can they help?: If you are struggling to cope due to a mobility issue, a long-term health need or if your environment is negatively affecting your mental health.
Get in contact
- Apply for a home assessment online
- Call 0114 273 5522
Do you have serious concerns about your housing situation?
Perhaps your home is unfit to live in or are you at risk of homelessness…
- Who can help? Shelter provides a variety of support, advice and legal services for individuals with homelessness or poor housing for both private and council accommodation. Get the help you need if your home is not fit to live in.
Get in touch
- Sheffield Advice line (Mondays, 8am-8pm): 03301 755 121
- Legal team (9am-5pm): 03445 151 776
Multi-agency support
- Who can help?: The Sanctuary
- How?: A one-stop-shop of support and advice from advocacy, legal rights to health checks and housing provision.
Get in Touch
- 0114 221 1845
- Attend a multi-agency drop in session for advice, information and solidarity
Learn English
- Who can help?: Sheffield Association for the Voluntary Teaching of English (SAVTE) helps speakers of other languages to develop the necessary skills and confidence to learn functional English,to become more active and empowered citizens in their communities.
Get started:
- 0114 212 3050
- Or refer on someone’s behalf by completing this online form
Exercise groups
- Who can help?: The U-Mix Centre
- How?: Exercise groups, lessons and sport for adult and young refugees and asylum seekers.
Get started
- 0114 2589601
- Online timetable
Social activities, education and employment opportunities
- Who can help? New beginnings
- How? They support people seeking asylum and refugees to access opportunities in volunteering, employment, education and participation in social activities in Sheffield.
Get in touch
- 0114 253 6655
- m.lutakome@vas.org.uk
Emergency help with accommodation, travel and food to people seeking asylum
- Who can help?: Assist
- How?: They give essential resources, support and dignity to individuals seeking or refused asylum by providing emergency accommodation, small weekly welfare payments, bus passes for medical, legal and Home Office appointments.
Get in Touch
- 0300 201 0072 (phone lines open Monday – Thursday, office hours)
- If you are a supporting agency wishing to refer someone to ASSIST Sheffield please complete this referral form.
Victims of modern Slavery or trafficking
- Who can help? Snowdrop Project
- How? Snowdrop is a charity who provides long-term support to empower survivors of human trafficking.
Get in touch
- 0333 880 5008
- Online referral form
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Sheffield Mental health Guide lists a range of local services to support migrants with leave to remain status as well as those seeking or refused asylum.
Bereavement counselling
- Who can help? Cruse Bereavement Support
- Who is it for? Anyone living in South Yorkshire who would like one-to-one or group support, from 3 months following their bereavement, and who is not currently accessing another counselling service.
Get in touch
- 0114 408 1408
- Online contact form
Loneliness and isolation
- Who can help?: Good Neighbour Scheme by Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care
- How?: They can provide regular visits or telephone support to someone who is over 65 years old and isolated in their home.
Get in touch:
- 0114 250 5292
- Who can help?: B:friend
- How?: B:friend will pair up a friendly volunteer with an isolated older person for regular visits, a cuppa and a chat.
Get in Touch:
- 07523 698 530
- Refer someone on their behalf.
Practical help
Free Support to keep you safe, well and independent at home
- Who can help?: AgeUK Independent Living Co ordination
- Who is it for?: Anyone over 50, living in Sheffield.
- How?: They can offer a 3-month package to help you regain your independence, increase your retirement-age benefits and connect you to local activities & transport.
Get in touch:
- 0114 250 2850
Emergency practical support in times of need
- Who can help?: Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC)
- Who is it for?: Anyone aged over 65 living alone
- How?: They can provide practical support such as emergency shopping, moving furniture and feeding pets
Get in touch:
- 0114 250 5290
Are you an adult, unpaid carer?
- Who can offer you support? Sheffield Carers Trust
- What can they offer? A carer needs assessment, emotional and practical support, a carers card, support groups and more.
Get in touch:
- 0114 272 8362
- Join a community of carers in Sheffield
Need support to look after your wellbeing as a carer?
- Who can help? Sheffield Health and Social Care run a free course to support carer’s wellbeing
- How can they help? This 5 week course focuses on the mental and physical impact that this role can have and they teach you how you can look after yourself.
Get in touch:
To attend the course you need to speak with your GP, Sheffield Carers Centre or mental health worker. They need to make a referral.
Difficulty using public transport?
- Who can help? Sheffield Community Transport
- How? They can provide a door-to-door service or minibuses with disabled access. Nb. Not recommended for attending appointments.
Get in touch:
- 0114 276 6148
- Apply online
- Site accessibility: access help to apply
Accessible parking
- Who can help? The Blue Badge scheme
- How? The Blue Badge scheme helps you park closer to your destination if you have a disability or health condition that affects your mobility or you care for a child with a health condition.
Get started:
- Apply online
Struggling with menopause symptoms
- What can help? Balance app
- How? This free app allows you to track your symptoms, access personalised expert content, download a Health Report, share stories in the community and lots more.
Further information
- Listen: The Happy Menopause podcast (available on all podcast streaming platforms)
- Read: The Happy Menopause by Jackie Lynch