Your local link worker

Over 18 years old? Wellbeing Coaches are based in SOAR: a community charity for North Sheffield residents. 

SOAR can provide support around self-management of chronic pain and diabetes symptoms, including one-to-one support and range of pain cafés. This is provided by the Wellbeing Coach team. SOAR can also provide support around employment, training and job search, including one-to-one support. This is provided by the Employment Coach team. SOAR can provide volunteering advice and support. This is provided by the Families & Communities team.


SOAR receives a high number of referrals, so it is likely there will be a waiting time of a few weeks before someone gets in touch.

If you require a greater package of support for a whole range of support needs such as: housing, benefits, debt, immigration, social isolation, mental health, etc., it is advised that you seek this via your GP Practice or self-refer to a Community Support Worker. A community support worker can give you support and advice on almost anything non-medical, as long as you are not already receiving social care.

Self-refer to a community support worker:

Find your local link worker

Link workers are connected with a group of GP practices supporting people in a specific local area.

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