Practical strategies to manage persistent pain
Mindfulness is a practice about paying attention, to the present moment, and without judgement. Research shows that daily mindfulness practice can be helpful for people living with persistent pain. Being able to focus on relaxing the body, noticing the breath and body sensations as being there just as they are, can help the worrisome thoughts which are often associated with pain.
Watch this short video about how mindfulness can help in the management of persistent pain:
Want to give it a try?
This video gives advice if you are a beginner to meditation:
How To Meditate For Beginners
Please note that you can adopt any position that’s comfortable when you meditate. This could be lying on a bed, sitting in a chair or even standing.
Try these online free guided mindfulness meditations:
Mindfulness – Mindful breathing
Mindfulness – Body scan
Guided Meditation | Loving Kindness for Self Compassion
Mindfulness for pain on VimeoÂ
If you’d like more in-depth guidance to learn mindfulness techniques, consider this free online course, run by Sheffield Talking Therapies: Mindfulness for Health | NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies